Just a really quick post this evening to say a BIG THANK YOU to all of the response given to my giveaway - it is amazing and very much appreciated.
Also, I am looking to start crocheting and thought what better time than when I am on holiday to learn. So just a few pointers required please from all of you experienced crocheters out there:
1. What beginners book would you recommend;
2. What first project would you tackle;
3. What equipment do I need.
Now saying beginner, I really am a beginner so to keep me enthusiastic about this I really do need something simple and straightforward to begin with BUT something that I can look at and think - Oh!!! I made that!!!
Thank you in advance for all of your assistance and I promise I will post something much more interesting soon (once I have had my holiday..........I really am flagging now!!)
Kerry xxxx